From Rightway Landscape Professionals  concerning palm tree trimming for 2024:  It’s that time of year! We are preparing for this year’s palm tree trimming.  You are still given the discount rate of $45 for each palm.    IMPORTANT:  Pre-pay ONLY and payments must be received no later than Saturday June 1, 2024.

Forms of payment:

  1. You can call us directly and pay with credit card (there is a 3% card fee that applies).  (863) 236-0000
  2. You must mail in a check directly to us (PO Box 5005 Haines City, FL 33845)  Please make sure to include the following information along with your payment: Your name, address, and number of palms to be trimmed.

NOTE:  We will no longer pickup payment if taped to the door and the crew is unable to accept payment. It is very important that you pre-pay as your home cannot be added at the last minute.

 We are happy to continue servicing the Lake Henry Estates Community!  Thank you,  Anna Frias-Office Manager, RightWay Landscape Professionals, LLC, PO Box 5005 Haines City, FL33845

(863) 236-0000