*Potluck Guest Tickets are now available for $5 per person from Beverly Brooks-Gore.

Reminder: No saving tables for events before 1:00pm  

Fever Show and Dance Friday, October 18th – Fever Show and Dance;  Patty Shaffer will chair. Tickets are $10 and available until day of event since there is no meal being prepared.

 Veterans Day meal  November 11th Veterans Day meal – at 5:30PM with Barry Porter as Elvis Veteran’s Program. Tickets are $15. LHE resident Veterans will be FREE but must have a ticket from Beverly for an accurate meal count.  Meal is fried chicken, baked potato, green beans and dessert. Carmen Wilde is the chairperson.

*Thanksgiving Day Buffet November 28th – Thanksgiving Day Buffet  at 1PM. Turkey and gravy will be provided by the social committee. Please sign up in the clubhouse hallway for the number of people attending and what type of dish you will bring to share. If you plan to bring guests that are not LHE residents, please get your $5 Guest Ticket from Beverly Brooks Gore as non-residents must have a guest ticket to attend.  Liz Albert is the Chairperson.

 Decorate the Clubhouse  November 30th – Decorate the Clubhouse – Please plan to come and help as we decorate the entire clubhouse inside and outside and the entrance gates.  It takes a village of workers to get this done. Everyone’s help is greatly appreciated. Rita Fournier will chair.

SAVE THE DATE – more information to follow next month for these activities.

Adopt a Senior Program Beginning December 1st – Carmen Wilde will chair.

Salvation Army Toy Drive – Beginning December 1st – Collette Parker will chair.

Children’s Christmas Auction – December 7th – Joan Grover will chair.

Christmas Program with Bill Buchanan at the clubhouse – December 13th– Beth Muntzinger will chair.

*Christmas Day Buffet; Pat Day will chair

New Year’s Eve Dance with Jim and Mandi; Diane Lareau will chair.

Undecorate the Clubhouse – Saturday, January 4th; Rita Fornier will chair.